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Gala concerts of the South Korean orchestra dedicated to the…

In honor of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Uzbekistan and the Republic of Korea, on December 16 and 17, large-scale performances of one of the best South Korean orchestral groups “Korean Pops Orchestra” (hea…

The Palace of Friendship of Peoples in Tashkent hosted a lar…

On November 6, large-scale events dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the residence of ethnic Koreans in Uzbekistan were held in the capital's Palace of "Drujba narodov".In the process of preparing and holding these events, South Korean companies su…

Chairman Kim Chang Keon, General Director of TDC Group Choi …

On November 29, Chairman Kim Chang Keon, General Director of TDC Group Choi In-chan, member of the Agency-partners of Eurasia Networks Group, and Deputy Director of Incheon Complex Energy Lee Kung-guk, who are on an official visit to the Republic of …

Chairman Kim Chang Keon met with the new Governor of the Syr…

Chairman Kim Chang Keon and a company of businessmen who are on an official visit to Uzbekistan visited the Syrdarya and met with the new Governor of the region, Mr. Akmaljon Mahmudaliev, and actively discussed various projects, such as the construct…