The Korea Federation of Fire Fighting Organizations (KFFA), the National Emergency Management Agency under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and the Korea Uzbekistan Business Association signed a memorandum of understanding to establish a comprehensive firefighting training center in Uzbekistan. The signing ceremony of the memorandum of understanding was attended by Deputy Adviser to the President of Uzbekistan on the coordination of law enforcement and regulatory agencies Doniyor Kadyrov, who is on an official visit to Korea, Police Chief Mr. Aripov and Deputy Ambassador of the Embassy of Uzbekistan in Korea Mr. Saidov, and of the Korean side, the chairman of the Korean Federation of Fire Organizations Choi In Chang, the general secretary of Kwon Byung Wan and chairman, Kim Chan Keon. The government of Uzbekistan has finally confirmed the provision of a project site on a scale of 200,000 pyong, and the Korean side will organize a project consortium with a total investment of about $ 30 million, and this project will be realized 2022-2024 years. At the Complex Fire Safety Training Center in Tashkent, on a scale of about Penal 200,000, a training center, a common sports ground, a professional fire safety school, a fire extinguishing exhibition hall, a congress hall will be created, which will provide mandatory fire fighting training for all government officials and students of Uzbekistan under the Korean system. fire safety to promote public safety education through training.
※ Source : Eurasia Networks Planning Team