On November 6, large-scale events dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the residence of ethnic Koreans in Uzbekistan were held in the capital's Palace of "Drujba narodov".
In the process of preparing and holding these events, South Korean companies such as Eurasia Networks Group (Chairman Kim Chang Keon) and TDC Group (CEO Choi In Chang) provided significant support, which organized the arrival and participation in the concert of famous performers from the Republic Korea.
At the opening of the festive events, which were attended by more than 4,000 guests from Uzbekistan and foreign countries, Tanzilla Narbayeva, Chairwoman of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan, and Kim Jin Pyo, Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea, delivered a congratulatory speech. Also, the guests and participants of the events were congratulated by the Senator of the "Oliy Majlis" Viktor Pak, who is the chairman of the Association of Korean Cultural Centers of Uzbekistan, and many other high-ranking guests and representatives of the Korean diaspora of Uzbekistan.
As guests from the Republic of Korea, the event was also attended by Deputy Foreign Minister Chae Yong Sam, Ambassador Kim Hee Sang, former Ambassadors of the Republic of Korea to the Republic of Uzbekistan Choi Yong Ha, Jung Dae Wan and Lee Wook, Chairman of "Eurasia Networks Group" Kim Chang Keon, President of the International Korean University in Ferghana (KIUF) Park Chung Ho and others. The events ended with performances by popular South Korean performers and singers Gil Gun, Kim Ji Hyun, lyricist Han Si Yoon, and others, who graced the finale of the festive concert and received the warmest welcome and enthusiastic reviews from the guests and visitors of the concert.
※ Source : Eurasia Networks Planning Team