In honor of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Uzbekistan and the Republic of Korea, on December 16 and 17, large-scale performances of one of the best South Korean orchestral groups “Korean Pops Orchestra” (headed by Kim Mi Hye) will be held in the Fergana and Syrdarya regions.
The concerts are organized with the support of "Eurasia Networks Group" in order to expand cultural relations between the two countries and wish success to all representatives of South Korean business in Uzbekistan. Along with them, great support was provided by South Korean companies and organizations that are actively operating in the above regions of our country: “Hanshin Engineering Construction”, “Korea International University in Ferghana (KIUF)”, “TDC Group Consortium”, “Weaver Logistics”, “TMS Global”, “Edulink Global” (Sboard), “Evergreen Motors”, Korea-Uzbekistan Business Association and others.
A South Korean delegation of more than 100 people, including orchestra musicians, South Korean entrepreneurs and representatives of the government of the Republic of Korea, will arrive directly at Ferghana International Airport on a specially organized charter flight. During the visit, it is also planned to sign an Agreement on the establishment of sister city relations between the city of Inchon of the Republic of Korea (deputy mayor of the city of Inchon - Lee Hyun Suk) and the Ferghana region (Governor of the region - Khairullo Bozorov). It is expected that high-ranking guests representing the Government, ministries, khokimiyats, members of the Oliy Majlis and others will attend the performances of the South Korean orchestra in large numbers.
Kim Chang Keon, who is the Chairman of company Eurasia Networks Group, noted: “These cultural events are dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between our two countries, as well as to the anniversary of the 85th anniversary of the resettlement of ethnic Koreans in Uzbekistan. And of course, the events will make their special contribution to the expansion of friendly cooperation and cultural exchange between the Republic of Korea and the Republic of Uzbekistan.”
※ Source : Eurasia Networks Planning Team