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Nurafshon city Korea new city project ‘MOU’
최고관리자 2021-04-29

On April 28, in Hakimyat of Nurafshan city, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed on this Korea New City Project in Nurafshan between Chairman Kim Chang Keon and the mayor of Nurafshan city Mr. Saliev. 

At the moment, the government of Uzbekistan has divided a 500-hectare plot for the development of the New City of Nurafshan project and about 150 hectares of land will be divided from this plot for the implementation of the project, a mini Korean town, which includes a residential complex, a university, a kindergarten, a hospital, and a park according to the Korean standard. The parties agreed from the moment of signing a memorandum of understanding to actively work to form a consortium until the end of 2021 and prepare for the phased development of the project. In the future, as the industrialization of cities accelerates, the city of Tashkent is expected to face various challenges such as lack of housing, transport and other problems, and the New City of Nurafshan project, which is currently underway, will play an important role in solving the problem of overpopulation. Chairman Kim Chang Keon noted that this project will be an important national project that will be a model for economic development and friendly cooperation between the two countries, which is moving forward despite the conditions of the global pandemic.


※ Source : Eurasia Networks Planning Team 

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