29th april, Khokim of Syrdarya region Gofurjon Mirzaev received a South Korean delegation led by Chairman Kim Chang Keon. During the discussions, the leadership of KUBA proposed to implement a project for the production of environmentally friendly raw materials and packaging materials from biodegradable film. Based on the experience of South Korea, Kim Chang Keon said that as the pace of industrial and economic development increases, the issue of environmental pollution is raised. In this regard, at the moment, the creation of facilities for the production of environmentally friendly materials (biodegradable plastic and others) is of particular importance. Taking into account the great opportunities for the development of the market and the increasing demand for environmentally friendly materials, over the past few months, representatives of KUBA have held active negotiations with leading South Korean developers and manufacturers of environmentally friendly granules and polymers. Gofurjon Mirzaev expressed gratitude to the members of the South Korean delegation for visiting the Syrdarya region and noted that the level of cooperation between Uzbekistan and South Korea opens up great opportunities for interaction in all directions. He emphasized the timely and effective support of South Korean partners, including KUBA, to the population of the region during the coronavirus pandemic and after the break of the dam on the Sardoba reservoir in the Syrdarya region.
Kim Chang Keon, in turn, assured that the chairman will continue to work actively on the earliest possible coordination of this project and its implementation with the best South Korean companies. He stressed that on their part, together with the khokimiyat of the Syrdarya region, work will continue on the implementation of social projects, including sending South Korean doctors and specialists to the region to provide the region's population with medical care, volunteer work and social support.
※ Source : Eurasia Networks Planning Team
※ Link to news on the topic: https://telegra.ph/sv-04-29-55