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Visit to Kokand city and discussion of the project for the development…
최고관리자 2020-09-22

On September 21, in the city of Kokand, a meeting was held between the chairman Kim Chang Keon and the mayor of the city Maruf Usmonov. The negotiations were also attended by Deputy Director of Evergreen Motors Uzbekistan Kim Ik Dong, Head of the Korea Uzbekistan Business Association in Ferghana Region Yoon Jeong Seok and Executive Director of Plus International Kim Tae Woo, as well as senior officials of the city administration.

During the meeting, the parties discussed the current state and perspective directions of development of the project of modern multi-storey residential complexes "Kokand City". This project was implemented after the CEO of Hanshin Corporation Choi Moon Kyu, CEO of Plus International Kim Dong Yul and chairman Kim Chang Keon visited Kokand city in October 2019, but due to the pandemic, the project has slowed down as all questions about The implementation of the project was discussed only via videoconference. Chairman Kim Chang-Keon's first visit to Uzbekistan in seven months is expected to accelerate this process by appointing a responsible person and conducting a F/S.


※ Source : Eurasia Networks Planning Team 

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