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Meeting with Abdul Hakim Atarud, Ambassador of the Republic of Afghani…
최고관리자 2021-06-23

On June 11, despite the situation with the pandemic, the parties are actively working to ensure the implementation of the project to introduce the EDU LINK GLOBAL curriculum into the preschool education system of Uzbekistan. In order to intensify the implementation of this project, during the meeting at the Ministry of Preschool Education of Uzbekistan, an agreement was also solemnly signed on the project to create an educational platform "Sboard". The celebration was attended by Minister of Preschool Education of Uzbekistan Agripinoy Shin, Chairman Kim Chang Keon, Deputy Minister of Preschool Education of Uzbekistan Uzokboy Begimkulov and Rector of the Korean International University in Fergana Park Jun Ho, Head of the South Korean company “English Hunt” Han Jong Rim, as well as heads of departments of the ministry and responsible representatives of KUBA. Within the framework of the Sboard project, students, their parents and directly the teachers and workers of the preschool education sector will be given the opportunity to exchange various information and use educational programs through mobile applications, as well as gain access to various advanced educational content of the South Korean type, which will bring its important contribution to the development of preschool education in Uzbekistan. It is expected that this platform will accommodate approximately 5 million users and can become one of the best educational portals of electronic services in the field of education on the territory of the Eurasian continent. Since March, the South Korean consortium "Edulink Global" has been actively developing the "Sboard" application, the completion and official opening of which is scheduled for September 1, 2021 - to celebrate the Independence Day of Uzbekistan. 


※ Source : Eurasia Networks Planning Team 

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