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Chairman, Mr. Chang Keon,Kim (Edward Kim) Visited Korea International …
최고관리자 2021-10-19

Mr. Edward Kim visited Korea International University in Fergana (KIUF) during his official visit to Fergana. He held meetings with President Park Joon Ho (Director of Korea - Uzbekistan Business Association), professors, and school officials on various topics, such as school status and future plans. 


 Starting with its opening in 2019, Korea International University in Fergana (KIUF) has officially opened 15 major courses as of 2021, with 2,000 students, 50 Korean teachers, and 80 teachers from Uzbekistan attending and working. KIUF has also been promoting exchange and cooperation with seven major universities in Korea and offering dual degree and exchange student programs, providing advanced Korean education. As a result, KIUF has been trying to become the most prestigious university in Central Asia, beyond the Republic of Uzbekistan. 


Meanwhile, in this interview, President Park Joon Ho expressed his special gratitude to Mr. Edward Kim for his great support and effort in establishing KIUF in the Republic of Uzbekistan. President Park Joon Ho asked for more interest and support for KIUF's development into the most prestigious university in the Republic of Uzbekistan. And Mr. Edward Kim also replied that he would actively contribute to the development of the school with kind interest.



※ Source : Eurasia Networks Planning Team 
