On October 21, 2021, Chairman Kim Chang Keon visited Mr. Saliyev Muzaffar Khaldarboyevich, the mayor of Nurafshon, which is a city in the Tashkent region. They discussed the ongoing progress of the Nurafshon-Korea New City Project, and other economic and friendly cooperation development plans.
The "Nurafshon-Korea New City Project" is currently underway under Uzbekistan's urban development plan on approximately 150ha of land. Korea- Uzbekistan Business Association has signed an MOU with the city of Nurafshon on April 28, 2021, for the construction of the Korean Fire Education Center, Korean Hospital, Korean University, and Korean New Town.
Chairman Kim Chang Keon thanked the mayor of Nurafshon for his special interest and active support for the project and agreed to take prompt action on the information requested by both sides (soil report, land registration map, etc.). Mr. Kim also mentioned that for the following project to succeed, continuous cooperation between both Korean and Uzbek sides is required. In addition, a consortium is currently being formed in Korea to carry out the project, and it has been agreed to complete the Master Plan within 2021 and develop it in phases.
Meanwhile, the donation of vehicles, which was a humanitarian action by the Korea-Uzbekistan Business Association and the Incheon Fire Department, has been confirmed. These vehicles include one ambulance, two fire engines with fire pumps, and one fire engine with a water tank. These vehicles are expected to arrive by early 2022 at the site. And both sides agreed to have Korean firefighters dispatched to the local site in Nurafshon for a month and pursue fire safety education as well as fire engine training.
※ Source : Eurasia Networks Planning Team