On November 30, a delegation led by Eurasian Networks board of directors, Kim Chan Keon, visited the city of Nurafshan, Tashkent region, to meet with the mayor of the city, Mr. Saliev Muzaffar Haldarboevich, and discuss the implementation of the current project «New City of Nurafshon-Korea», as well as plans for future cooperation.
On April 28, 2021, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed on the implementation of the ‘Nurafshon-Korea New City Project’ between the city of Nurafshan and the Korean-Uzbek Business Association. The project is planned to create a Fire safety training center, multidisciplinary Korean hospital, a University and other facilities on the site about 150 hectares and at the moment the work of development plan is proceeding smoothly.
During this discussion, information was provided on the development schedule and master plan prepared by the Korean consortium, and detailed discussions were held such as the terms of land transfer and the composition of the infrastructure.
After a detailed discussion of plans for the development of this project, the parties agreed to sign an official contract for the ‘Nurafshon-Korea New City Project’ during 2021, and to begin a new city development project.
In December 2021, it is planned to send a donated car (1 ambulance, 2 fire pumping vehicles, 1 fire water tank), which was promoted by the Korea-Uzbekistan Business Association and the Incheon City Fire Safety Department to provide humanitarian and it will deliver into Uzbekistan in early 2022. In addition, it was agreed that Korean firefighters would be dispatched to Uzbekistan for two weeks to provide support in fire safety training and firefighting.
In addition, the Korean Consortium for the New City of Tashkent Nurabshan Development Project is currently in the process of forming and establishing an SPC in Korea with the participation of a multilateral professional group.
※ Source : Eurasia Networks Planning Team
※ Link to news on the topic: https://dunyo.info/ru/site/inner/v_administrativnom_tsentre_tashkentskoy_oblasti_budet_realizovan_proekt_nurafshon-korea_new_city_project-0So